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1,000 Games - Disk 1.iso
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All of these commands may be entered by pressing <F7>
and typing the command at the prompt.
A = AUTO START Command.
ACCIDENT = Simulates a sudden loss-of-coolant accident.
ALARM TEST = Tests all of the audible alarms if SOUND is active.
AUTO = Activates Automatic Control Mode.
AUTO OFF = Initiates an Automatic Shutdown and then ends the simulation.
AUTO SHUTDOWN = Initiates an Automatic Shutdown then repairs/refueling.
COLOR = Optimizes the simulators display for a color monitor.
DAMAGE = Sets the quality of PCS and SCS to POOR (results in damage).
DAMAGE CONTROL ON = Activates automatic Damage Control Computer.
DAMAGE CONTROL OFF = De-activates automatic Damage Control Computer.
DELAY n = Activates a n second pause after each simulated hour (n = 1-60).
DEMAND ON = Activates Varying Demanded Power levels option.
DEMAND OFF = De-activates Varying Demanded Power Level option.
DEMO = Activates the interactive Demo Mode.
EMERGENCY POWER = Supplies up to 3 days (72 hrs) of emergency pump power.
EVACUATE = Initiates a plant evacuation and then shuts down the plant.
EXIT = Quit the simulation immediately to DOS.
FUEL = Describes the amount of fissionable material in the fuel rods.
I = INSPECTION command.
INSPECTION = Reports the last NRC inspection of PCS and SCS.
MANUAL = De-activates Automatic adjustment of temp/power control settings.
MONO = Optimizes the simulators display for a monochrome monitor.
PRCP ON = Turns on the Primary Reserve Coolant Pump.
PRCP OFF = Turns off the Primary Reserve Coolant Pump.
PPRV OPEN = Opens the Primary Pressure Release Valve.
PPRV CLOSED = Closes the Primary Pressure Release Valve.
PRETEST = Tests all simulated reactor components prior to starting.
QUIT = Quits the simulation displaying your final score.
RATE = Describes the rate at which fuel is used up within the reactor.
REFUEL = Replaces the reactors fuel rods to 100%.
REPAIR = Does a complete repair job on all systems having any damage.
RESTART = Restarts the simulator and resets all settings.
RUN UNTIL n = Run the simulator until the n day is reached (n = 1 - 2000).
SCRAM = Immediately takes the reactor off-line in an emergency.
SHELL = Exits to a DOS prompt until "EXIT" is entered at a DOS prompt.
SHIELD ON = Activates an anti-neutron radiation shield, lowers radiation.
SHIELD OFF = Turns off the SHIELD option.
SPEED n = Sets the calculate to view ratio for simulated hours (n = 1-24).
SOUND ON = Activates the SOUND option.
SOUND OFF = De-activates the SOUND option.
SPRV OPEN = Opens the Secondary Pressure Release Valve.
SPRV CLOSED = Closes the SPRV if the valve is open.
SRCP ON = turns on the Secondary Reserve Coolant Pump.
SRCP OFF = Turns off the Secondary Reserve Coolant Pump.
TARGET = Allows for manual setting of Demanded Power level.
TOWER PUMP ON = Turns on the Cooling Tower Pumps.
TOWER PUMP OFF = Turns off the Cooling Tower Pumps.
TURBINE TRIP = By-passes the Steam Turbines in emergency.
V = Value command.
VALUE = Displays the current value of the power generated by the plant.
VALVE 1 OPEN = By-passes Steam Turbine Group #1 in emergency.
VALVE 1 CLOSED = Closes the by-pass valves for Turbine Group #1.
VALVE 2 OPEN = By-passes Steam Turbine Group #2 in emergency.
VALVE 2 CLOSED = Closes the by-pass valves for Turbine Group #12.
VER = Displays the simulators version and operating mode (AT or Not).
VIEW ON = Activates automatically changing view screens.
VIEW OFF = De-activates automatically changing view screens.
(A description of the available commands at the <F7> Command Prompt)
A = AUTO START Command.
ACCIDENT = Simulates a sudden loss of coolant accident where there is a
profound loss of coolant. For the purpose of the simulator,
a rapid loss of coolant accident could empty the primary coolant
loop of all coolant in less than 20 hours. Counter measures to
replace the coolant and stop the leak could slow, or even stop a
meltdown. Once this command is entered it can not be aborted.
If the option creates a reactor core meltdown the simulation
run is ended. Only use this option to see how devastating such
an accident could be, and to practice emergency procedures for
such an event.
ALARM TEST = Sounds the hourly temperature change alarm, the attention
alarm, the warning alarm, and the emergency alarm to test the audio
system in the computer. If the sound is turned OFF no alarms will
be heard during the test. Use the SOUND command to turn the
speaker back ON.
AUTO = Automatically adjusts the simulators control settings to maintain
the power output at or near 100%. MANUAL reverses the command.
Controlled by the Auto Adjustment computer, AUTO will adjust
CONTROL RODS, PCP, SCP, and ECP to maintain a consistent output,
and will automatically repair major plant damage (Damage > 25%)
and refuel the reactor when needed (Using the AUTO SHUTDOWN
command). It will not maintain coolant levels with the PRIMARY
AUTO OFF = Initiates the Automatic ShutDown Procedures which will
set the CONTROL RODS = 0 and turn off the RESERVE COOLANT PUMPS
if they are activated. This procedure is activated automatically
while in the AUTO mode and the FUEL REMAINING < 11 or the TOTAL
DAMAGE > 24%. Once the reactor is shutdown the simulation will
automatically end and your performance will be evaluated.
AUTO SHUTDOWN = Initiates the Automatic ShutDown Procedures which will
set the CONTROL RODS = 0 and turn off the RESERVE COOLANT PUMPS
if they are activated. This procedure is activated automatically
while in the AUTO mode and the FUEL REMAINING < 11 or the TOTAL
DAMAGE > 24%. When the reactor is shutdown, repairs and/or
refueling procedures will be initiated if the simulator is in
AUTO or DEMO mode.
AUTO START = Starts the simulator in AUTO mode, but in addition to the
normal settings, the DOUBLE option, the DAMAGE CONTROL option,
and the DEMAND option are all activated.
DAMAGE = Sets the Quality of the workmanship of both the Primary and
Secondary Coolant Systems to POOR. The effect of this is to create
substantial amounts of damage to the plant.
DAMAGE CONTROL ON = Instructs the computer to initiate Damage Control
automatically on any significant damage found in the plant. The
equivalent manual command would be the <F8> function. The
automatic system activates emergency repairs when an individual
systems damage exceeds 6%. If the fuel level is less than 12%
then repairs are started at damage equal to, or greater than
5%. Coolant Levels are also monitored and Reserve Coolant is
pumped into the loops as needed via the RCP.
DAMAGE CONTROL OFF = Turns off automatic Damage Control.
DELAY n = Activates a n second pause after each simulated hour that
passes. Should be used when the user wants to slow the amount
of time between simulated hours. Many new users will find this
option very helpful as they are learning the simulation. To
turn of the delay use the DELAY 0 command.
DEMAND ON = The Demanded Power Level is displayed on the Main Control
Panel display as " % DMD ", and indicates how much power should be
generated at that time. The usual Demand is 100%, but this will be
randomly changed when Demand is set ON. The TARGET command allows
users to manually set the DEMAND level from the command prompt.
DEMAND OFF = Turns off changing Demanded Power Level option.
DEMO = This command is used do demonstrate the operation of the simulator.
It will PRETEST and power up the plant with the following settings:
These settings will remain in effect through-out the simulation
unless they are de-activated. To de-activate the DEMO mode use
the MANUAL or AUTO command. The DEMO command will initiate the
PRETEST command if DEMO is entered when the core is at 65°F.
Entering the command at any other time will activate the DEMO mode
but will not PRETEST any systems.
DOCUMENTATION = Displays the simulators help file (OAKFLAT.DOC) using
HYPERhelp. The cursor keys, <PgUp>, <PgDn>, <Home>, and <End>
will view different parts of the file, while <ESC> quits
HYPERhelp and returns back to the simulator.
EMERGENCY POWER = On of the likely causes of a catastrophic accident in a
nuclear power plant is a power outage. If for any reason the
plants internal electrical power fails, it is unable to pump
coolant to maintain the cores temperature within safe limits.
The EMERGENCY POWER command supplies 3 days (72 hrs) worth of
emergency back up power for the coolant pumps. In the case of
power outage enter the command and then immediately shut down the
plant for repairs.
EVACUATE = The EVACUATE command initiates an evacuation of all plant
personal and does an automatic shutdown on the plant. The
evacuation command should only be used during a catastrophic
accident that can not be stopped any other way. Be sure to
start the evacuation soon enough for all plant personal to reach
a safe distance before the core melts.
EXIT = Quit the simulation without displaying your final score, or
the option or restarting the simulation or quit to DOS. Once
the EXIT command is entered at the command prompt, the screen
is cleared and the simulation has aborted back to DOS. All
information about the simulation is lost. This command should
only be used to quickly exit the simulation when the operator
DOES NOT want his or her evaluation. To receive an evaluation
the QUIT command must be used.
FUEL = The FUEL command describes the percentage of fissionable materials
in the fuel rods currently in the reactor. Each time the plant is
re-fueled the exact percentage of fissionable materials in the
rods varies. Normally the percentage is between 2.5% and 3.5%
the command can aslo be used to change the percentage to any value
between 2.5% and 3.5%. A higher percentage will generate more heat
using less fuel.
I = INSPECTION command.
INSPECTION = Reports the last NRC inspection info on the Primary System
(reactor, PCS, & part of the Heat Exchanger, and the Secondary
System (part of Heat Exchanger, SCS, Condenser, & Cooling Towers).
MANUAL = Turns off automatic output control, so the simulator will depend
on the users input of CONTROL ROD, PCP, and SCP settings to
maintain constant power output. To de-activate the manual control
command, enter the AUTO of DEMO command at the prompt.
PRCP ON = Activates the Primary Reserve Coolant Pump, moving reserve
coolant from the PCS to the SCS. This increases the amount of
primary coolant while reducing the reserve coolant level. To
de-activate the option, use the PRCP OFF command.
PRCP OFF = Turns off the Primary Reserve Coolant Pump.
PPRV OPEN = Opens the Primary Pressure Release Valve and lowers the
pressure in the primary loop. As the pressure drops, so will the
reactor and heat exchangers temperatures. Since the steam is
really just super heated primary coolant, the coolant level in
the PCS drops each hour. NOTE: Once the valve is open it must
be closed or all of the primary coolant could be lost if the
valve is left open for too long. Watch the coolant levels while
using this option.
PPRV CLOSED = Closes the PPRV if the valve is open and has no effect if
the valve is already closed.
PRETEST = Tests all simulated reactor components prior to starting
the reactor from a complete power down, including a test of
Alarm System (if the SOUND is ON). The reactor core is also
preheated before power up. This reduces the chances of coolant
system damage and adds 1000 points to the score.
QUIT = Quits the simulation displaying your final score, and restart the
simulation or quit to DOS.
RATE = The RATE command describes the rate of fuel use within the reactor.
The rate will be shown as the percentage of fuel used per day.
REFUEL = Replaces the reactors fuel rods after the core temperature
drops to 62° F. Any repairs needed are done automatically
before the refueling is started. Once the refueling is complete,
the main display appears with the simulator indicating the change
in fuel level, days simulated, damage, and expenses.
REPAIR = Does a complete repair job on all systems having any damage.
The amount of time needed and the costs of repairs are based
on the amount of damage present at the time of repairs. The
days needed to complete the repairs are added to the days simulated
variable, and the expenses of the repairs are added to the
RESTART = Restarts the simulator from the title screen, all current
simulator settings and values are lost. It has the same effect
as exiting the simulation and re-running the simulator from the
DOS prompt.
RUN UNTIL = Allows the user to set the number of days the simulator will
run before evaluation. The default number of days is 1000, but
it can be set between 1 and 2000.
SCRAM = All Control Rods are immediately inserted back into the
reactor core to cause the spontaneous shut down of the thermal
nuclear reaction. The simulator will properly shut down the
reactor to begin cooling down for repairs. Use this command
only for extreme emergencies since it is very expensive!
SHELL = Exits the user to a DOS prompt. To return to the simulator type
"EXIT" at the DOS prompt and the user will return to the simulation
without effecting the simulator's current run.
SHIELD ON = Activates an advanced electronic radiation shield that will
reduce (not eliminate) radiation exposure. The shield will reduce
the number of neutrons that escape the standard protective
shielding by 60%. The cost of this added protection is the loss
of all supplemental views (<F9> screens), and a lower hourly
score. To de-activate the option use the SHIELD OFF command.
The SHIELD option can be activated and de-activated as needed.
SHIELD OFF = Turns off the SHIELD option.
SOUND ON = Toggles the Speaker Sound Status on and off. If the Status
Line displays " SND " the SOUND option is activated.
SOUND OFF = Turns off the SOUND option. Once the command is entered, the
Status Line will change displaying a "NoSND" indicating the SOUND
option is off.
SPEED n = The optional setting for length, which displays n hours worth of
plant operations with each display pass. The startup default value
is n = 1, display 1 hours worth of operation with each display
pass. To return the speed to the default value, enter SPEED 1 at
the command prompt.
SPRV OPEN = Opens the Secondary Pressure Release Valve and lowers the
pressure in the primary loop. As the pressure drops, so will the
condenser temperature and turbine output. Since the steam is super
heated secondary coolant, the coolant level drops in the SCS.
NOTE: Once the valve is opened using this command, it must be shut
or all the secondary coolant could be lost. Use the SPRV CLOSED
command to shut the valve and carefully watch the coolant levels
while using this command.
SPRV CLOSED = Closes the SPRV if the valve is open and has no effect if
the valve is closed.
SRCP ON = Activates the Secondary Reserve Coolant Pump, moving reserve
coolant from the RCS to the SCS. This increases the amount of
secondary coolant while reducing the reserve coolant level. To
de-activate the option, use the SRCP OFF command.
SRCP OFF = Turns off the Secondary Reserve Coolant Pump.
TARGET = Sets the Demanded Power Level to a percentage between 10% and
100%. This command is useful when the AUTO or DEMO options are
activated. The computer will automatically adjust the control
settings to maintain the power output at the demanded percentage.
To use the command , enter "TARGET " followed be the requested
target demand level. To set the level at 80% enter "TARGET 80"
at the <F7> command prompt. To reset the demand level to 100%
enter "TARGET 100", and to display the status of the option type
"TARGET" alone at the command prompt.
TOWER PUMP ON = Activates the pumps responsible for pumping coolant from
the CONDENSER to the COOLING TOWERS and back again. The coolant
flows through the coils inside the CONDENSER to cool the secondary
coolant as it comes from the TURBINES on its way back into the
STEAM GENERATOR. If the TOWER PUMPS are not activated the
CONDENSER will overheat and damage will occur. When in AUTO mode
the pumps will automatically activate when the CONDENSER COILS
reach 96°F. The pumps will also de-activate at 96° while in any
TOWER PUMP OFF = De-activates the TOWER PUMPS from the command prompt.
TURBINE TRIP = Automatically opens Steam Valves #1 and #2, thus by-passing
the Turbines and thus the generation of electrical power. The
steam is still produced, it just isn't allowed to turn turbines and
generate power. Once a TURBINE TRIP is initiated it can not be
stopped, and a significant core overhaul will be needed. Be
certain you need to use this command before entering it. It should
only be used in case of extreme emergency.
V = Value command.
VALUE = Displays the current value of the power generated by the plant.
The starting price is $21.49 per mega-watts per hour. The value
is increased by refueling and pretesting the reactor prior to
power up.
VALVE 1 OPEN = Opens the by-pass valves for steam flowing through Turbine
Group #1. When this valve is open a 50% drop in power output is
is seen and once open, it will remain that way until the valve is
closed with a VALVE 1 CLOSED command. If both VALVE #1 and #2 are
open, no power is generated since all steam is by-passed from the
turbines. This has the same effect as a Turbine Trip but unlike
the turbine trip it can be aborted by closing the valves
VALVE 1 CLOSED = Closes the by-pass valves for Turbine Group #1.
VALVE 2 OPEN = Opens the by-pass valves for steam flowing through Turbine
Group #2. When this valve is open a 50% drop in power output is
seen, and once open it will remain that way until the valve is
closed with a VALVE 2 CLOSED command. If both VALVES #1 and #2 are
open, no power is generated since all steam is being by-passed from
the turbines. This has the same effect as a Turbine Trip but
unlike the turbine trip it can be aborted by closing the valves
VALVE 2 CLOSED = Closes the by-pass valves for Turbine Group #2.
VER = Displays the simulators version number and the mode it is running
in. An "(AT)" indicates the program is running on a 80286 computer
or better. If the "(AT)" is not displayed then the program is
running on a PC/XT class computer.
VIEW ON = Activates the automatic changing of the view screen. Every
15 seconds the view screen will change to the next <F9> screen.
If any screen is changed manually using the <F6> or <F9> keys it
will reset the 15 second timer to 0.
VIEW OFF = De-activates automatically changing view screen.
<F1> = Display the Command Summary/Help File (OAKFLAT.HLP)
<F2> = Enter Control Rod Setting.
<F3> = Enter Primary Coolant Pump Rate.
<F4> = Enter Secondary Coolant Pump Rate.
<F5> = Enter Reserve Coolant Pump Rate.
<F6> = Display Main Control Panel.
<F7> = Enter Simulator Command.
<F8> = Damage Control.
<F9> = Display/Change Simulator Status Reports.
<F10> = More Function Key Help While On-Line.
<KEYPAD CURSOR KEYS> = Change Forward/Backward Simulator Status Reports.